Health and Safety
The health and safety of people is the primary consideration in all Markham Industries activities. Without exception, no activity is to be attempted by employees unless it can be done safely. Markham Industries approach is based on cultivating a caring and mindful organisation in which we all personally care for the safety of people and are mindful that a failure is waiting to happen.
Each person working with Markham Indusrties has a responsibility for safety in their area of work, and behaving in a manner that is caring and mindful of the safety of our people, our workplaces and our communities.
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Commitment to safety is exhibited through leaders setting high standards and leading by example, consultation and engagement with employees and external work parties.
This is backed with the active support and persistent reinforcement of high safety standards.
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Each person working with Markham Industries can expect to be treated fairly. A consistent and rigorous approach is applied to recognition and consequences for the safe and unsafe behaviour.
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Each individual has an important role in identifying hazards and controlling risks associated with them. This mindfulness is backed with systematic approach to identifying, assessing and controlling risks.
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The knowledge , organisation, tools, systems, recourses and training required to achieve safety objectives are made available.
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Health and safety plans contain agreed objectives that define better future conditions and measures that indicate progress toward accomplishing the objectives. Regular reporting, review and audits provide evidence that the controls are in place and the required work is being done.
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